Drug addiction is basically a condition whereby an individual has an obsessive and compulsive desire to take drugs, in order to derive pleasure. When an individual is addicted to drugs, it is usually difficult for him or her to break free and hence, there is a need for the person to seek help promptly before the addiction problem gets worse.
Drug addiction counselors are specialists in the treatment and recovery of individuals who are suffering from drug abuse and addiction. You can find drug addiction counselors in places like the Hospital, Educational centers, Mental health facilities, Detox centers, Drug rehabilitation centers, Detention centers and Private practice clinics.
A counselor in drug addiction recovery works closely with the addict in a therapeutic atmosphere. He has one purpose, and it is to aid the patient have a good knowledge of their addiction, and assist them in modifying their beliefs and thoughts so that they can achieve sobriety.
Drug addiction counselors will screen the patient and make a thorough assessment of their condition. From their evaluation and assessment, they will create a personalized treatment plan which will suit only the patient. In addition, they may also make group and family counseling available.
A drug addiction counselor works hard to ensure that the addicted individual recovers and remains sober. This can be achieved when the addiction counselor is patient, compassionate, understanding and sensitive.
Counselors in drug addiction recovery usually invest much time, energy and hope, believing that the patients would recover soon. When they do, it is the joy of the counselor to take credit for a job well done, as drug addiction is a tough battle.
When you are done with the addiction problem, the job of the counselor is not over yet. They also help in putting profound mental health treatment structures in place. They meet up with psychologists and psychiatrists if they feel there is a mental health condition.
Counselors are well-trained professionals who think outside the counseling box, and all decisions they make, are usually in the best interest of the patient.